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Halifax kicks off Comic-Con season for 2018

Over one thousand people turned up at the Shay Stadium last Sunday to welcome stars of both the big and small screen as well as some of the biggest movie cars and film props. Due to a change in filming, Spencer Wilding who plays Darth Vader in Rogue One was free for the morning so he came down and met fans, along with Jeff East who played the young Clark Kent in the original Superman film (which turns 40 this year - how old do you feel now!) TV favouites, Primeval's Andrew-Lee Potts was there along with Dr Who's Sophie Aldred as the guests just kept on coming. Some of the biggest Star Wars props filled the room with a life size Jabba the Hutt and a Wampa from Empire Strikes Back, then outside a t-rex was braving the cold along with the Jurassic Park gates in a dino-extravagansa! Over 30 stalls selling all sorts of geeky things came along and pocket money was spent excitedly with some amazing pieces of artwork being bought, along with comics and collectibles. Organiser, Martin Ballard, said 'We are really proud of what's happened today - we promised a great day out for the family, and it's clear from people's responses that we've delivered and it's going to become a feature on the Halifax calendar for years to come. Jeff East, who flew in from his home in Nice, said ' The people of Halifax have been so welcoming, from the staff at the Imperial Crown to all the people I've met here, it's been a real pleasure coming to the event.' More photos, and all the news for Halifax and Huddersfield Comic-Cons can be found at 

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